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National Resources

Mental Health


It’s important to note that whilst members can provide their experiences, nothing is better than speaking to a trained team or a professional. Below are some resources that might help.  


CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) 

CALM is a charity that offers support, advice and campaigns to prevent suicide and improve mental health. They run a free, confidential and anonymous helpline, as well as a web chat service, offering help, advice and information to anyone who is struggling or in crisis. (for Instant Messaging after 5pm) 
0800 58 58 58 


Gendered Intelligence 

Gendered Intelligence is a trans-led and trans-involving charity that works to increase understandings of gender diversity and improve the lives of trans people. They deliver a range of direct services, projects and activities to trans, non-binary, and gender questioning people, as well as a range of education, training and consultancy to organisations and individuals who are working to better their inclusive practices. They also engage with public policy and seek to influence legislation, the media, policy and research at a national level. or 020 7155 1302 (for general enquiries) or 0800 640 8046 (for direct support) 



Mind is a mental health charity based in England and Wales. They offer information and advice to people with mental health problems and lobbies government and local authorities on their behalf. or 0300 123 3393 - NHS 111 (non-life-threatening medical help and advice) 


Mindline Trans+ 

Mindline Trans+ is a confidential emotional, mental health support helpline and signposting service for people who identify as Trans, A Gender, Gender Fluid, Non-binary. They are also able to offer support to friends and family.  They have Trans and Trans allies volunteering to respond to your calls as often as possible and we are open 3 evenings a week Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8pm to 11pm. This is a national service that can be accessed by anyone. or 01823 334906 



MindOut is a mental health service run by and for LGBTQ people. They work to improve the mental health and wellbeing of all LGBTQ communities and to make mental health a community concern. Their in-person services are only available to people living in the Brighton and Hove area; however their online support service is available globally, via their website. 


Rainbow Mind 

Rainbow Mind is a collaborative service between Mind in the City, Hackney and Waltham Forest and Mind in Salford, aiming to tackle mental health issues for individuals within the LGBTQIA+ community. They run in person and online support throughout the country, including a dedicated group for young people aged 17-24. (London/Southern England) (Greater Manchester/Northern England) 


The Mix 

The Mix is the UK’s leading support service for young people, under 25. They help with a wide range of issues from mental health to money, from homelessness to finding a job, from break-ups to drugs. They have a crisis messenger service, email and webchat. 

Text ‘THEMIX’ to 85258 to access their 24-hour Crisis Messenger service. 



Samaritans is a charitable organization that provides confidential emotional support to people in distress or at risk of suicide. They offer a 24/7 helpline, where trained volunteers listen without judgment, providing a safe space for individuals to express their feelings. Their services are accessible through phone, email, and online chat, aiming to reduce feelings of isolation and support mental well-being. Samaritans also engage in public awareness campaigns, work to reduce the stigma around mental health issues, and advocate for improved mental health services. or 116 123 (free from landline and mobile) 


Health and Sexual Health


PEP - Post Exposure Prophylaxis. If you have had sex without a condom and are unaware of your partners HIV status and think you could have been exposed to HIV, PEP can stop a HIV infection from taking place if accessed within 72 hours (ideally 24). The best place to access it is sexual health clinics. If it's out of time or you cannot get to a clinic, then emergency departments can also help. More info:  


PrEP - Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis. Usually taken daily, offers near complete protection from HIV when taken in advance of having sex. Now approved by NHS England, most clinics can provide it on the NHS to those in a risk group (the groups are very broad so most people will qualify). You can also purchase privately safely, and many clinics will advise and support with the prerequisites when making this decision. More info can be found at  


Controlling Chemsex 

Controlling Chemsex is a charity created and run by professionals with long experience providing Chemsex support, many of whom have struggled with Chemsex in the past themselves.  They offer 1-1 help and support online, general information, tips and advice. or 07718 618671 


Dean Street 

Dean Street is an award-winning HIV and sexual health NHS clinic in the heart of Soho. Their 56 Dean Street clinic offers emergency appointments and convenient online services allowing you to book a check-up in your own time. They also sell PrEP privately at the best price in the UK. or 020 3315 5656 


The Freedoms Shop is an NHS sexual health promotion initiative run by Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust (CNWL). They offer sexual health products and advice online. The Freedoms Shop is dedicated to helping you have safer and more enjoyable sex. They stock a wide range of condoms, STI testing kits and pleasure enhancing products at incredibly low prices, designed to encourage safe sex. 

020 7685 5977 


The Gender Dysphoria Bible 

The Gender Dysphoria Bible is an open source and publicly funded project aiming to provide resources and advice for trans and nonbinary people and anyone experiencing gender dysphoria. 


London Friend 

London Friend is the UK’s oldest LGBT charity dedicated to the health and mental well-being of the LGBT community in and around London and the South East. 

020 7833 1674 



NAZ is a sexual health charity working to address sexual health inequalities in Black, Brown and Global Majority and LGBTQ+ communities. They have over 30 years of experience working across London to provide culturally specific interventions to communities disproportionately impacted by poor sexual, reproductive and HIV outcomes. 

020 8741 1879 



SH.UK is an online sexual health service, run in partnership with the NHS. It provides free test kits, and in some areas treatment and contraception. The service is fast, discreet and confidential. 



Spectra work with all people, often from diverse and marginalised communities, empowering positive, informed choices about health, including sexual health, emotional resilience and wellbeing, and as well as working with people to combat isolation and risk. Spectra run a range of events across London, including health checks, trans groups, HIV testing, free condoms and sexual health information, and more. 

0800 587 8302 / 020 3322 6920 


Spectrum Outfitters 

Spectrum Outfitters are an UK company who make affordable and eco-friendly chest binders. Their website has a range of resources, including self care tips for people who wear chest binders: 


SXT (Clinic Finder) 

SXT is a cloud-based service supporting sexual and reproductive health providers to reduce the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). 

0333 800 7808 


THT (Terrence Higgins Trust) 

Terrence Higgins Trust is a British charity that campaigns about and provides services relating to HIV and sexual health. In particular, the charity aims to end the transmission of HIV in the UK; to support and empower people living with HIV, to eradicate stigma and discrimination around HIV, and to promote good sexual health (including safe sex). or 0808 802 1221 



A yoga sequence for trans men, nonbinary people, butch lesbians, or anyone else who chooses to bind. 


Housing Support


AKT (Albert Kennedy Trust) 

AKT is a voluntary organisation based in England, created in 1989 to help LGBTQ+ young people (16-25) who are homeless or living in a hostile environment. 

020 7831 6562 



Microrainbow provide safe temporary housing for LGBTQ+ asylum seekers in the UK. 

0800 3585 851 



Shelter is a registered charity that campaigns for housing justice in England and Scotland. It gives advice, information and advocacy to people and campaigns and lobbies government and local authorities for new laws and policies.   

0808 800 4444 (Emergency Helpline) 


Stonewall Housing 

Stonewall is the leading national charity supporting LGBTQ+ people of all ages who live in the UK and are experiencing homelessness or living in an unsafe environment. They provide specialist housing advice, advocacy and support for LGBTQ+ people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. They also have specialisms in Mental Health, Domestic Abuse, Substance Misuse and Supported Accommodation. 

0800 6404 404 


Women's and Maternity Specific 


BPAS (British Pregnancy Advisory Service) 

BPAS is the UK's leading provider of abortion services caring for women for over 55 years. BPAS has clinics and sexual health centres in England, Wales and Scotland. They also consult on long term contraception. 

0345 730 4030 (appointments and treatment enquiries) 

0300 333 6828 (aftercare questions or concerns) 


London Friend 

London Friend is the UK’s oldest LGBT charity dedicated to the health and mental well-being of the LGBT community in and around London and the South East. 

020 7833 1674 


Miscarriage Association: 

The Miscarriage Association is here to provide support and information to anyone affected by miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy or molar pregnancy. 

01924 200799 


Women’s Aid 

Women’s Aid is the national charity working to end domestic abuse against women and children. As a federation we provide life-saving services across England while building a future where domestic abuse is not tolerated. 

0808 2000 247 (National Domestic Abuse Helpline) 


Women’s Trust 

Woman’s Trust is a specialist mental health charity, providing free counselling and therapy for women in London, who have experienced domestic abuse. 

0207 034 0303 




Asexual Visibility and Education Network (AVEN) 

AVEN hosts the world's largest online asexual community as well as a large archive of resources on asexuality. AVEN strives to create open, honest discussion about asexuality among sexual and asexual people alike. 



Galop is an LGBT anti-abuse charity and police monitoring group in the United Kingdom that campaigns against domestic abuse, conversion therapy, sexual violence, hate crime, and other forms of discrimination against LGBT people. It runs four national helplines for LGBT survivors of rape and sexual abuse, conversion therapy, domestic abuse and hate crime, and supports LGBT people who have problems with the police or questions about the UK criminal justice system. 

0800 999 5428 (National Helpline for LGBT+ Victims and Survivors of Abuse and Violence) 

0207 704 2040 (LGBT+ hate crime helpline)  

0800 999 5428 (LGBT+ domestic abuse helpline)  

0800 130 3335 (Conversion therapy helpline)  

Interconnected UK 

Interconnected UK provide peer support and a safe space for people with intersex traits/variations of sex characteristics (I/VSC) and their loved ones. 


London Friend 

London Friend is the UK’s oldest LGBT charity dedicated to the health and mental well-being of the LGBT community in and around London and the South East. 

020 7833 1674 


LGBT Switchboard 

Switchboard is the national LGBTQ+ support line. For anyone, anywhere in the country, at any point in their journey. You can discuss anything related to sexuality and gender identity. Whether it’s sexual health, relationships or just the way you’re feeling. This is your space – to explore, talk and be truly heard. 

0800 0119 100 


Mosaic Trust 

Mosaic Trust aim to support, educate and inspire young LGBTQ+ persons and those around them. They do this by providing accessible activities, programmes and services that aim to empower community members, provide essential resources, advocate for young LGBTQ+ rights, and embrace, promote and endorse the diversity of young persons.  

0300 800 5428 


Pink Therapy 

Pink Therapy offers a directory of qualified and non-judgmental therapists and counsellors for people who identify as LGBTQIA+ or gender, sex or relationship diverse. Find a therapist, get information and support, or read the blog on LGBTQIA+ issues. 


The Proud Trust 

The Proud Trust is an LGBT+ youth charity empowering LGBT+ young people to be proud of who they are. The Proud Trust delivers youth work and one-to-one support across Greater Manchester. 

0161 660 3347 



Spectra work with all people, often from diverse and marginalised communities, empowering positive, informed choices about health, including sexual health, emotional resilience and wellbeing, and as well as working with people to combat isolation and risk. Spectra run a range of events across London, including health checks, trans groups, HIV testing, free condoms and sexual health information, and more. 

0800 587 8302 / 020 3322 6920 



Stonewall is an LGBTQ+ rights charity in the United Kingdom. It is the largest LGBT rights organisation in Europe. 

020 7593 1850 


QPOC resources: 


African Rainbow Family 

African Rainbow Family (ARF) is a charity which campaigns and advocates for racial justice and the human rights of LGBTQ+ refugees and people seeking asylum of African Heritage and the global majority. 

07711 285 567 


Black Beetle Health 

Black Beetle Health is a public health charity dedicated to promoting health, wellbeing and equality for LGBTQ+ communities of colour through evidence-based resource development and signposting of culturally safe support services throughout the UK. 


Black Mind 

Black Mind is a grassroots art-as-activism organisation that centres the collective mental health, wellbeing, justice and joy of Black people in Britain. Black Mind aims to facilitate sustainable change with accessibility at its core. Their purpose is to build a legacy of care, governance and support that centres blind, deaf, disabled, neurodivergent, queer, low-income, sick, and othered black people. 


Black Remote She 

Black Remote She is a community for Black queer, trans, nonbinary people, and allies interested in working remotely. Their platform was created to build a safe space for their community to transition into remote work. Black Remote She community members have a variety of resources available to support their livelihood, including; a job board, a resource hub, a bi-weekly newsletter and a free email course to support job seekers. 


Black Trans Alliance 

Black Trans Alliance C.I.C is a black queer and trans led non-profit organization that supports black trans and non-binary people in London and the wider community.  BTA’s mission is to support, protect and amplify the voice of black transgender persons in London and the wider community; through advocacy, education, visibility and empowerment.  In addition to providing support, they also offer information and campaign for the rights of transgender people. 



BLAQ UK is a Black Queer organisation led by and for Black Queer young people aged 18 to 26. Their vision is to create community spaces rooted in care, where Black Queer young people can come together, collaborate, and celebrate who they are, for the benefit of future generations.They deliver specialised events, workshops, and projects for Black Queer young people. 



BLKOUT UK is a not-for-profit social enterprise, and media/arts collective, run and owned by a collective of Black bi, gay and/or trans men based in the UK – often London based but drawn from across the UK. 



NAZ is a sexual health charity working to address sexual health inequalities in Black, Brown and Global Majority and LGBTQ+ communities. They have over 30 years of experience working across London to provide culturally specific interventions to communities disproportionately impacted by poor sexual, reproductive and HIV outcomes. 

020 8741 1879 



RAINBOW NOIR was founded by 4 black queer women who were inspired to create a space in the city led by and for our community. They are a volunteer-led social group who celebrate, elevate and advocate for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer and Intersex People of Colour (LGBTQI PoC). 


Rainbow Migration 

Rainbow Migration supports LGBTQI+ people through the asylum and immigration system. They provide practical and emotional support for LGBTQI+ people seeking asylum to help improve their confidence and self-esteem and reduce isolation. They provide specialist legal information and advice, and campaign to improve the treatment of people seeking asylum. They also provide legal advice and information to LGBTQI+ people who want to live in the UK with their partners. 

0203 752 5801 


Faith/Community Group Specific Resources: 


Diverse Church 

Diverse Church’s objectives are the advancement of the Christian religion amongst lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, asexual, and intersex (LGBT+) Christians, in particular but not exclusively amongst those without access to Christian support for their sexuality and/or gender. They also aim to promote equality and diversity for the public benefit by advancing education, raising awareness and promoting understanding and inclusion in respect of LGBT+ Christians within the Christian church. 



Hidayah (means guidance in Arabic) is a volunteer-led secular organisation; however, its projects and activities are developed specifically for the needs of LGBTQI+ Muslims. Their mission is to provide support and welfare for LGBTQI+ Muslims and promote social justice and education about our community to counter discrimination, prejudice and injustice. They are a mix of practising and non-practising Muslims and as an inclusive organisation, do not exclude anyone, and warmly welcome friends, families, and allies to all of our events. 



KeshetUK is an education and training charity with a mission to ensure that Jewish LGBTQ+ people and their families are included throughout Jewish life in the UK. Jewish LGBTQ+ people exist in all walks of life. KeshetUK aspires to work with all UK Jewish communities, including Liberal, Masorti, Orthodox and Reform, cross-communal and non-denominational organisations. 



MASGD is a Black/Indigenous Global Majority, Trans, and Muslim led organization that supports, empowers and connects LGBTQ+ Muslims and those racialized or perceived as Muslim. They challenge root causes of oppression, including misogyny, racism, capitalism and xenophobia. 


Naz and Matt Foundation (Rainbow Chai Foundation) 

Naz and Matt Foundation are a specialist charity providing a comprehensive range of trauma informed 1-2-1 and group support services to LGBTQI+ individuals, or their parents, from religious or culturally conservative backgrounds. They work mainly in the areas of religious and cultural homophobia, ‘honour’ based abuse, LGBTQI+ forced marriage and conversion therapy, all of which fall under the wider umbrella category of domestic abuse. 


Rainbow Chai Foundation 

Rainbow Chai Foundation is a subsection of the Naz and Matt Foundation that specifically provides support for Desi Parents of LGBTQI+ Children. 


Open Table Network 

Open Table Network (OTN) is a Christian charity which supports church communities for LGBTQ+ people and their allies in England and Wales. They have a network of Christian churches across the UK that offer a safe and inclusive community for LGBTQ+ people. 

07501 753 618 


Sarbat Sikhs 

Sarbat is a volunteer-led group addressing LGBT+ issues from a Sikh perspective. Their vision is to create awareness, tackle homophobia / biphobia / transphobia and build bridges within and beyond our communities through awareness and conversations, social support and resources. 


Traveller Pride 

Traveller Pride are group made up of Travellers who are LGBTQ+ who want to provide a platform for their intersectional community. They act as a network that can provide guidance, support and information to make life easier for LGBTQ+ Travellers as well as providing essential services, meetup spaces and collaborating with other organisations to make them more welcoming.   

0800 233 5066 



Signposting websites/further resources: 


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